This post might be short and sweet. I'm so tired from working so much already this week and getting ready for a visit from my husbands grandmother that I can barely keep my eyes open!
Breakfast: Due to waking up late I didn't really get breakfast today. I had a cup of hot chocolate at work and a handful of pretzel sticks.
Snack: a chocolate covered granola thing I found at Costco. I can't think of what it is called off the top of my head but I do remember it was 70 calories. It was also super delicious!
Lunch: I ate a salad (yes! you read that right!). It had lots of dark green lettuces, 2 sweet peppers, a handful of baby carrots, 5 or 6 grape tomatoes and about 2 oz of chicken breast. I had ranch on it too, which I know is not the best but I keep forgetting to take my italian dressing to the office!
Snack: Another chocolate covered granola thing (they were calling me all day!) and a banana. Also a vitamin water.
Dinner: Spaghetti with meat sauce (about 1/2 cup, it was free dinner at my kids school and they weren't feeling all that generous in an attempt to not run out!), a salad with italian dressing and a small piece of garlic bread. I also had one vanilla sandwich cookie. I had two cookies but a certain two year old I live with made off with my other one! And a Diet Mt. Dew.
Snack: I'm feeling starved right now and fighting off some serious cravings. I'm have a few pretzels and about 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese. I will probably also eat a piece of fruit. I just haven't decided if it's worth staying awake for!
Also of note today is that lovely Aunt Flo is visiting. So at least that explains the desire for sleep and chocolate!
That's my daughter right there - sleep and chocolate with Aunt Flo! Plus I craved salty things! You were hungry because you didn't get enough to eat all day. So then you want to snack - never good. Hope today goes better for you! And I didn't see how much water you drank... that would help swell those yummy bars from Costco! At least sometimes that works for me!