Friday, May 11, 2012

Food Journal-Day 20 (Heidi)

It would seem that I'm destined to write one shameful post after another. ;)

Today was not good. I'll admit. Generally it pretty much sucked right up until dinner at our friends home.

Prior to that? It was pretty blah. If you recall I mentioned I'm a boredom eater some time back? Yeah. That reared it's ugly bored head today, and I really struggled.

I had a bagel and cream cheese today. It would feel better if I could claim a whole wheat bagel and light cream cheese. But no. It was just a giant ball of white carbs with regular old fatty cream cheese. Looking back eating a load of craptastic carbs to kick off my day was probably not one of my better ideas.

I later had two fruit leather strips an apple and then still aimless and bored I made some popcorn. Before my snack I should add that I did a bunch of yard work, which led to a huge allergy attack that incidentally never got finished today, and just made me feel off. So I took an allergy med. Then I felt sleepy and weird. And bored. This is a BAD combination. No excuses here, just trying to set the scene. I have no will power.

Then I had some lunch a bit later, just a PBJ and about three glasses of water, my throat still felt pretty itchy from the pollen I blew around the yard with the blower. 

For a late afternoon snack I had a handful of cinnamon almonds and a bowl of cereal.

Then, we went to our friends house for appetizers and desserts. All bets were off.

I didn't eat a ton, I had a handful of sour cream and onion chips, two little sausage hors d'oeuvres (that's all fancy because I can't spell that word and so it's a copy and paste from google.) and a serving (maybe on the large size) of cherry cobbler. Then I had a drink. My friend Chris had whipped cream vodka. Is she serious? Mixed with orange juice? To die for. I only had a small glass, but it was so good, seriously if you like whipped cream and drink alcohol, you should check this stuff out.

So over all, it wasn't *terrible*, but I spent the afternoon working on a to do list for myself, lest I fall into the boredom trap again.

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