Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Food Journal: Day 30 (Kim)

I had a very full schedule today and luckily did not have time to stress eat. Because it was a very stressful day! I very rarely say this but it was a Monday. Yuck. I hated Monday (today). :)

Breakfast: Grapenuts cereal with fresh raspberries and milk and a banana.

Snack: Are you kidding me? There was no time for a snack, between four meetings today, six plus phone calls with doctors, specialists and surgery schedulers (oi! What a mess), plus the normal fun stuff like changing diapers and convincing a very sweet but sassy 10 month old that she does indeed need a nap. Yep not a lot of time set aside for eating.

Lunch: Was very late squeezed between meetings number 3 and 4. I had a pb and j sandwich and a few chips.

Snack: Ha, I snagged a handful of dry roasted peanuts before I collapsed on the couch for about 2 minutes before the phone started ringing again and the baby started fussing (mind you this was about 5:30 and way to late to even consider letting her take a nap (because of course now she wants one)).

Dinner: Tacos, I had two hard shell and one soft shell. I put beans, meat, cheese, tomatoes and sour cream on them.

Snack: My hubby brought me a package of Oreo Cakesters and I ate them in bed while reading my book and pretending that this day never happened.

I drank way too much soda and very little water. This will obviously be an ongoing struggle for me.

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