Friday, June 8, 2012

Food Journal: Day 48 (Kim)

Well I had a crazy busy day today as usual and I was out of the house from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. So, I ate fast food for lunch but didn't do too bad for the rest of the day.

Breakfast: Slimfast shake. (No, I am not doing a diet, it just happened to be in my fridge and I was in a hurry), I also had a granola square and a few grapes.

Lunch: 6 and a half hours later, I got to eat lunch. Not the best choice but I was starving. I had a quarter pounder with cheese, a large fry and a large Dr. Pepper from McDonald's. :(

Snack: A handful of grapes and a couple cherries.

Dinner: Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread and one ear of corn on the cob with spray butter.

Snack: Three Oreo cookies.

I drank three 24 ounce glasses of water and a diet Code Red Mt. Dew today as well.

I try to plan ahead, and fully intended to pack a lunch since I knew I would be out all day but time got away from me and needless to say a lunch was not packed.

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