Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Food Journal: Day 45 (Kim)

Well, like Katie I have a million excuses for why I didn't post this yesterday, but I think you may understand when you read about my day.

My morning started with a puking baby (note she is almost 1 so her puke is not just formula). Then my 22 month old was running a fever, mind you, she was supposed to have surgery so needless to say that did not happen, and she was not feeling well, so I had to make an unplanned visit to the doctor, who decided that she needed a chest x-ray stat. So, we headed that way. Also, take into consideration that I have all three of Katie's kids, plus a not feeling so great 10 and 1/2 month old. Luckily my mother-in-law was able to stay and watch them so I wasn't dragging them around with me.

It just continued that way all day. When I went to take Katie's kids to her, I discovered that Della's (Katie's youngest) car seat was not installed. I could not get it in so Katie and Terry had to come pick the kiddo's up. It was just pure chaos all day long. And, I succumbed to my stress eating habits. a.k.a.- non-stop grazing.

Breakfast- A bowl of Grapenuts cereal. (this was before anyone else was awake. My intentions for the day were good.)

Snack- Beef jerky and popcorn.

Lunch- Grilled chicken sandwich and mashed potatoes with gravy from Culvers and a diet Pepsi.

Snack/Dinner- This is where it really went downhill. I think that I was unwinding and just kept eating...
I had an ice cream cone after Katie's kids left. Then I had more beef jerky, then I ate a cheeseburger that my in-laws had bought me for lunch, then I had some popcorn, two chocolate chip cookies, a glass of milk, two Code Red Mt. Dew's (diet) and a hard boiled egg.

On a good note, I drank tons of water. I could not get enough water today. I easily drank six 24 oz glasses of water.


  1. I am exhausted just reading this entry Kim!!! I hope your next entry day will be happier and smoother.... you are like me.....stress= ice cream!!!

    1. Well you know Aunt Denise, ice cream is a cure all. :) Luckily, I haven't had any other days quite this stressful since with the exception of maybe the day the baby did have her surgery...

  2. Wow, I would have eaten way worse with a day like that. :( Sorry the babies were sick. What a stressful, sucky day.
